Gotta Go Introduction (Famously Unknown) 

​No one likes a grown man who cries,/But all of the encouragement given brings tears to my eyes./I’m much an introvert, don’t do parties, not looking for pity./I hold self accountable for my actions so please forgive me./It’s been some years since I’ve been positively motivated./The more I speak of worldly issues gets me mostly hated,/And I’ve been focused on the wrong direction, but I got my sight back,/An army of Kings & Queens giving me strength to fight back./#BlackLivesMatter don’t mean more than yours./I’m saying I want my life to be equal, nothing more./We have had enough of the separation between us,/But if I’m racist for loving my own, then call me “Supremist”./My inner battles are tough enough, don’t need the exterior./Fears I’m shown because of my skin is making me feel superior./Until I reach the final hour,/I’m gonna clench my fist, raise it high, & scream “BLACK POWER!!”/

Black Reform

​It’s become repetitive, stating the obvious of the black struggle. By this point, enough people are aware of what has been & is being done to black people, not just in this nation, but all over the world. The “awakened” only recycle posts on social media. several years ago, a response to the mistreatment of black people came in the form of black people posting random “selfies” every Friday. Not longer after that began, it was reduced to one a month. I haven’t heard anything new about this ploy. Even I tried merely sharing positive black images, but that didn’t last either. The actions of black people, though well intended, will continue to be ineffective because not enough people are attacking the root issue, quite literally the deep rooted conditioning of people of African descent. 

The extreme resolution would be to start completely new with the upcoming black generation since the rest of us have become too stubborn to accept teaching from each other if it brings discomfort to our egos. Of course, that sounds more like an elitist strategy of complete sanitation. The next best thing would be a community reformation, or re-education. 

I would start with black women. Let’s face facts. Black women are world creators. All life starts with them, but add ego to this capability & the result is we have a bunch of bourgeois femmes with a god complex. When I was a believer, I learned, or was misinformed, that a god is all-loving, merciful, giving, & even relatable. Black women are still human & are more susceptible to becoming more arrogant than confident. (I’m willing to guarantee that there will be some black women who would find this statement offensive, which proves my point.) Reform has to start with the only ones capable of life. Now, when I say “reform”, I urge readers NOT to consider the ideas of Hitler. Instead, the intention is to consider going deep in the subconscious & erasing the conditioning that made the modern-day black women WHAT she is today then teaching her the ACTUAL truth, not the filtered or altered version. It would be imperative to teach the one with the most power of what she is truly capable. Then, by default, the black men would be next. 

For years, I’ve heard many people give their personal descriptions of what a real man is supposed to be. I’ve concluded that, in the black community, the man is the protector, teacher, provider, & overall strength personified. The reform of black men would be different in a lot of areas from those of black men. Our mental debilitation would have to be extracted & replaced with the knowledge of our true purpose. We would have to accept that we are very much human, just like black women, but differently. While reforming black women would essentially seem like a descension, from arrogance to confidence, it be an ascension for black men, from belittled to confident. Then we would be more capable of raising future generations, guiding them to be even better than us. 

These are simply ideas of a voiceless outcast that has been looking in from the outside of his own community.